Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Feliz viaje Wayne!

Dropping off Wayne & Ruby at the airport

Dining in Fabio's Bar

It was about time to make a supply run, so we decided to share Wayne's rental car and give him a lift to the airport. As usual, Phil & Wayne had an adventure convincing Thrifty to actually give them a car. Still, before too long, they were back with a new little Yaris that would fit the bill.

The next morning, we headed out, but not before Miss Ruby the Wonder Dog could coat herself with little grass burs. Aw well, at least she had a good romp before getting on a long plane ride. The boys spent the majority of the drive to Alajuela helping her regain her coiffure.

It was a sad parting, especially since we aren't sure if Wayne will return before we head south. Wayne, we hope your delivery is very boring and the wind is at your back. I'm sure our paths will cross again!

Then it was off to our hotel, lunch at a fabulous Indian restaurant, more shopping, and a delightful sushi dinner at Fabio Lemos's home. Does it get any better than this?

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