Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New friends from S/V Aetheria

Eli and Sean are two very fun 10 and 12 year-old cruisers. They were led in by a panga and their parents at the wheel. Alexander and I took a break from our schoolwork and went down onto the dock to introduce ourselves.

Later that day, all of us played pool and then went into the pool to have some fun playing with the bridge over the pool. The bridge has a higher part than the rest of it which we made the king's throne. Whoever defeated the king (You defeat the king by pushing him off the bridge) became the new king and it kept going on like this until we were all bored. 

Nicholas, Eli and Sean (by S0Cal)

Then, they came over for dinner. We all had krabby patties from Spongebob, except Daddy was making them. All of us wanted different condiments! 

They had a DS, the same exact one as both of ours! We had fun doing wireless Mario and Mario Kart battles with them for the next two hours. 

Then, they left and we are going to play with them today again hopefully!

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