Distance in last 24 hours: 79 nautical miles
Distance to Hilo, Hawaii: 3560 nm
Position: 12 01.140N
Longitude: 093 43.113W
COG: 282M
SOG: 3.3 knots under power
Wind: 3 knots
Seas: glassy calm
Weather: 40% Cloud Cover
Barometric Pressure: 1011.1 mb rising
Sea Temperature: 88 F
Conditions are more of the same. Flat calm ocean with little to no wind. Tried to actively sail this morning following every little breath of wind, but only managed to make about a knot, and there's still a current of about a knot setting against us. For now it's back to motoring.
The skies are changing, and we're seeing tall cumulus most of the time around us. (On the other hand, this morning is mostly high cirrus and a little haze.) They occasionally bring squalls, but mostly they just enhance the scenery. The ocean is a deep clear azure.
Yesterday was still and hot. In the late morning, we dropped the sails and went for a swim. It cannot be exaggerated how crystal clear the water is. We took the opportunity to check the bottom and the prop. Both still look excellent.
Just as we were thinking we may have had enough, Phillip sighted dolphins off the port side. We swam over and waited to see if they would come close, and sure enough, the porpoises were soon all around us. These were larger than the little spinners from Sunday with a deeply curved dorsal fin; a short, pronounced nose; and faint speckles down their sides.
They seemed to be as curious about us as we were about them. There were maybe two dozen in the pod, but three in particular seemed fascinated by us. Those, a pair always swimming together, would make a bee line straight for us and then turn away with about 10 feet to spare, only to come back around a repeat the run. The whole while they were chattering away in clicks and chirps. Nicholas does a very good imitation.
Since conditions are so quiet, we took the opportunity to catch up on laundry. We ran three loads through the machine, and Samadhi was festooned while it all dried out on the lifelines.
Kelly's parents, Kathy and Pat, called yesterday afternoon on the satphone and chatted for a little while. We were all very excited to be able to wish them a happy 35th anniversary over more than just email. They also had a lead on a safe harbor on the Kona side of Hawaii at Kawaihae. We're planning to look into it once we get to Hilo.
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