Distance in last 24 hours: 162 nautical miles
Distance to Hilo, Hawaii: 3865 nm
Position: 10 35.032N
Longitude: 088 445.946W
COG: 286M
SOG: 6.5 knots
Wind: 7 knots from N
Seas: Sea calm
Weather: 80% Cloud Cover
Barometric Pressure: 1011.8 mb, rising
Sea Temperature: 78 F
Variable conditions and still no stable wind. Good sailing yesterday in
sloppy seas through the early afternoon. The wind dropped steadily after
that so that by 2200 UTC (Samadhi is currently at -0600, so that's 4
p.m.), we were down to 4 nautical miles/hour or less. Then we started
The seas initially quieted sometime in the mid-evening (I'd guess around
0200 UTC, but I was sleeping.) Samadhi felt like a bathtub toy bobbing
around on the briny. The wind moved off of our port (left) bow, sat
there basically on the nose (from directly ahead of us) most of the
night at less than 5 kts.
The wind shifted back to the north and freshened around the end of our
second watch, so that we could start sailing again at about 1100 UTC.
Unfortunately, it's dying again, so we'll see how long we can continue
under sail.
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