Monday, June 16, 2008

In Bahía de Huatulco... leaving for Puerto Madero

We are here for a few hours only. Just long enough to siphon a few gallons of dead dinosaur juice into the starboard tank and wrap up our Mexican immigration/customs paperwork. We are "Checking Out" of Mexico, meaning that we don't plan on stepping ashore until we are in El Salvador. We will top off our fuel tanks one more time in Puerto Madero even if we don't need much fuel as Mexican diesel is a bargain at about $2.40 per gallon.

The weather looks good for our 300 mile passage across the Gulf of Tehuntepec. Hopefully we will avoid any experience with a Tehuntepecer! June is quiet season on the Gulf, so the odds are we will have a smooth passage.

We are not likely to have internet connectivity until we arrive in El Salvador. We will update you once we arrive!

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