Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mas fiestas!

Today we decided to take in some culture. The boys did some Calvert in the morning and then we decided to take a traditional Sunday afternoon drive. First we stopped for delicious bĂ­rria tacos in town. Then, bellies full of delicious beef, we headed north to the village of San Pancho.

San Pancho is a small pueblo just north of Sayulita. The locals tell us that Bucerias used to look like this 30 years ago. We had a great time looking at all the Huichol handicrafts and playing on the beach. We came back the long way via Punta de Mita, stopping for fresh pineapple and green coconut.

This evening we had a special treat! To celebrate the end of four days of frolicking, virtuosic flautist Horacio Franco played a gala concert at the amphitheater here at the marina. It was amazing! It was just him and a cellist. They played everything from 14th century medieval to Bach and Vivaldi to Lennon and McCartney.

Now it's time for bed. We're hoping to receive our package from the States tomorrow. After that, we just need to finish getting Samadhi ship-shape, and we can get underway!

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